What are pre-wedding photos?

“What is a pre-wedding shoot and is it necessary?”

That’s a great question and the answer is that you don’t need one! However, here are 3 reasons you might want to have one.

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So…what is a pre-wedding shoot?

A pre-wedding shoot is exactly what is sounds like, a photoshoot before your wedding. It’s also referred to as an egagement shoot and can be a great opportunity to remember a very important time in your lives.

Here are 3 reasons to have a pre-wedding shoot (read on for more details):

  1. Pre-wedding shoots can help to make you feel more comfortable;

  2. It is a great way for your photographer (me) to find out what matters to you most; and

  3. Pre-wedding photos give you really precious and useful photos!

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Reason #1: Pre-wedding shoots can help to make you feel more comfortable

I’m so awkward in photos; I don’t know how to pose” or “What do I do with my hands?!”.

Ever said those things? Fear not for you’re not alone. Even I feel awkward in front of my cameras but guess what? Every one of the couples I’ve photographed have said the same thing. The good news is that there’s a solution to this: pre-wedding photoshoots!

Having someone you don’t really know photograph you on your wedding can feel intimidating or awkward. This is where pre-wedding shoots can help by giving you an opportunity to know your photographer and vice versa. You can look at it as a dry run before your wedding day to feel what it’ll be like being in front of the camera. For me, it gives me an opportunity to know how you react in front of camera and how to get the best out of you as a couple!

You might be surprised as to how long (or short) it takes to feel comfortable in front of camera! These sessions are really chill and you won’t have to worry about being yourself and affectionate with each other in front of family and friends. Not sure how to pose? Don’t worry, I’ll be there to help guide you along and help you to feel natural. Unsure of how you look? Don’t worry, we’ll work together to get the best images and have you looking at your best!

Take-away #1: a couple of hours doing a pre-wedding shoot can go make your much more comfortable and confident on your wedding day!

Reason #2: It is a great way for your photographer to find out what matters to you most

Probably one of the most beneficial things about doing a pre-wedding shoot is that your photographer (me) has a chance to understand what matters to you most. Why is this important? Well, wedding photography is expensive and if you see it as an investment (which you should) wouldn’t you want your photographer to capture what matters to you most? (Yes!)

What do I mean by understanding what matters to you most? By this I mean knowing the type of imagery you really want (e.g. candid, posed or editorial) and what you would like in your photos (e.g. nature, architecture or VIPs). Weddings days are incredibly fun but they can also be stressful and tiring. This might mean you might not always remember that one photo that you really want on your wedding day but don’t worry because that’ll be my job and we would’ve run through it before!

Take-away #2: pre-wedding shoots are a great opportunity for me to understand the photos you’ll value the most from your wedding!

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Reason #3: Pre-wedding photos give you really precious and useful photos!

Engagements are really exciting times. That really goes without saying; I mean, you’re living it right now! Think about it. you’re about to embark on a new journey of your life and there won’t be another time in your life like it. Having a pre-wedding shoot is a great way to remember this time and also have beautiful images as a couple that is not in your wedding clothes (these are precious too!).

These photos are not only precious and meaningful though, they’re also really useful! Need photos for your invites? Check. Photos for that Facebook event page or RSVP website? Check and….check! Besides, these photos can be just as meaningful for family members like your parents or aunties and uncles. Here’s a bit of a cheeky idea: need a gift for Chrimstas? why not a beautiful frame print of you and your fiance? They’ll definitely love it!

Take-away #3: there is value in having pre-wedding photos beyond just having nice photos as a couple!

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Is a pre-wedding shoot necessary?

Whilst I still stand by my answer at the beginning that you don’t need one, I hope article helps you understand the value in having one. Engagement shoots can be heaps of fun and you’ll come away with more than just a couple of nice photos to look back on! If you’re on the fence about doing one, I guarantee you won’t regret it and who wouldn’t want photos to remember their engagement by?

If you’d like to know more about what goes into these shoots, feel free to get in touch and I would love help you out any way I can.


What to wear for a pre-wedding shoot…


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